Public Health Unit Turns Down the Offer to Speak at Vaccination Seminar |

Public Health Unit Turns Down the Offer to Speak at Vaccination Seminar |

Thanks to Christina England and VacTruth for blogging about the ridiculous situation where public health officials are happy to force vaccination on every man, woman and child in Australia but won’t come out to support that decision in public where they might have to answer questions or defend their opinion. It is very telling, isn’t it?

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6 Responses to Public Health Unit Turns Down the Offer to Speak at Vaccination Seminar |

  1. katie B says:

    Once again, for the 10,000th time. There is no mercury in vaccines. At least – not the same kind of mercury which used to cause “madness” to hat-makers who used it back in the day. That was “quicksilver” or liquid metal mercury, and we now know it causes mercury poisoning if one is in regular contact with it. Qin Shihuangdi, the first Emperor of China also died from mercury poisoning. In TCM, mercury was thought to grant immortal life. The type of mercury which used to be in children’s vaccinations, and has been removed, is ethylmercury. Not the same thing at all.

    • seniorcraig says:

      I thought when I first read this, that you were kidding. First of all, mercury has not been removed. Then you seem to ignore all the other noxious ingredients in a vaccine such as aluminum – another heavy metal, formaldehyde, DNA bits from other animals, viruses from monkeys – eg. SV40 in the polio vax, phenol and what the industry calls “degradation products” – foreign protein particles, viral oncogenes, and unknown bits and pieces.
      Once again, for the 10,000th time, do your research in areas other than Fox news and skeptics websites.

  2. Jennifer Craig says:

    Same thing happened here in Nelson, Canada, a couple of years ago. A group of us arranged a public forum about H1N1 vaccine and public health refused to send a representative. We stuffed a sack, labelled it “Public Health” and sat it on a chair at the table.

    • What a brilliant idea Jennifer! And you probably would have gotten about as much sense out of that sack as you would have from a public health official which is why they are too scared to show up. But yet, they keep on insisting that people believe them.

  3. If every Australian knew the truth of all the ‘ingredients’ in this neurotoxic chemical cocktail they would not be so complacent and gullible – the conflicts of interest in the vaccine industry are terrifying to say the least and placing us and our babies in harm’s way – my only child was almost killed by vaccines and that is what started me on the journey to find out the worrying truth.

    • Absolutely – and the AVN is all about making sure that people have this information BEFORE their children become victims. Vaccination is neither 100% safe nor 100% effective and parents need to be fully informed before making a decision for their children. It is madness to think otherwise. Guess that makes the anti-choice doctors, government officials and public health authorities mad as hatters, eh? Maybe it’s all that mercury…

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